Monday, June 8, 2015

$1 Hat Rack

My husband and I made these hat racks for my display. We followed these plans from Ana White, but made a couple changes.

First we started off with some scrap wood we had lying around (literally lying around in the backyard).  My husband cut the main piece and then the bottom pieces as stated.  We attached them like it says but let the main piece touch the floor as well for added support.  Since these are originally intended for the outdoor market I need extra support in case it gets windy or someone accidentally yanks on a bag and it falls over.  So, we added a base on the bottom to hold a small sand bag I made for even more support.

While the original plans have very adorable wooden hooks that look like branches, I really didn't feel like doing more cutting and painting.  I kept my eye open for some sort of hook, or at the very least I was going to drill a hole through the main piece and stick a dowel through. Well, my patience paid off.  I found a set of twelve shower hooks for $2at the thrift store!  I used six hooks per rack.

They turned out great.  Here's the breakdown of cost:

Wood-----------------------Free (scraps)
Primer---------------------Free from the recycling depot
Paint------------------------Free (leftover from my sewing room)

Total Cost For Both= $2

Cost Per Hat Rack=  $1

Can't really beat that.

Linking up to: My Repurposed Life

1 comment:

  1. What a handy project can be used for so many things. Only 2 dollars my kind of project.


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